The 7VS Story
"I‘d rather laugh with the Sinners than cry with the Saints." - Billy Joel
The 7VS Brand: Virtue X Sin is defined by design concepts for the Sinner and Saint in all of us. Inspired by the variable that results in an act of VIrtue to be revealed or a Sin commited, The 7VS Brand: Virtue X Sin represents an unmistakable attitude and style to Live your Life.
We call this variable the X. This X variable is found between Virtue and Sin. Some have called it the crossroads of Life; a continuous struggle between good and evil. Where's that moral compass? But we’re not here to preach. We want you to Live your Life with style.
That X variable can be fueled by a vice, desire, passion, or temptation. For some the X variable marks the point of no return, no turning back It can also be a defining moment in time. A time to take action and to get off that X. Live your Life.
The 7VS Brand: Virtue X Sin represents your own lifestyle. Vive vitam tuam... Live your Life.